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The Story of the West Highland

The Story of The West Highland

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The 1940s LNER guide to the line reprinted. It covers the ill-fated Invergarry and Fort August Railway opened in 1903.

Scotland's Stations

Scotland's Stations

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A Traveller's Guide

The New Borders Railway Map

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The Kyle Line In Pictures

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Highland Steam

Highland Steam

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A Scrapbook of Images from the Kyle, Mallaig and Highland Lines. TWENTY years after it was lost on Highland railways steam returned, firts on the Mallaig line and then to Kyle and even, occassionally to the Far North. THis 160 page large format paperback is crammed full of dramatic shots of restored steam in spectacular Highland settings.

Iron Road to the Isles (Mallaig to Fort William)

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Rails Across Rannoch

Rails Across Rannoch
(Crianlarich to Fort William)

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The Story of the West Highland

The Story of The West Highland

UK Price: £4.95

The 1940s LNER guide to the line reprinted. It covers the ill-fated Invergarry and Fort August Railway opened in 1903.

The Mallaig Railway

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Bargain priced companion guide to this scenic line. A celebration of the triumphant return of steam traction.

The Crinan Canal

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Mid-Argyll's holiday waterway in a popular guide

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Opinion is sharply divided on just how many islands there actually are in Scotland's most celebrated loch.

Map of The West Highland Way

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Inverness-Dingwall-Kyle Souvenir Rail Map

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Steam to Kyle (DVD)

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Living steam on the line from Inverness to Kyle of Lochalsh. Steam to Kyle DVD - featuring some rare steam filmed on the incredible Kyle Line from Inverness to Kyle of Lochalsh.

Steam in the Hills (DVD)

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THE FILM of the book. A there-and-back record od of the spectacular steam outing from Fort William to Mallaig and back again.
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